Monday, October 8, 2012

A Strange Turn of Events

I just realized my brother thinks he's made himself nothing to prove that I'm nothing, that that's "what he is."

I keep getting messages from others about my grandma and dad, too.  How perverted, lame, babyish!  :p  Hmph.  It is.  I got the feeling that I just couldn't take it and pretty much had to protect myself.  How would I do that?  Pretty much you have to roughhouse others because it doesn't seem they are rough enough themselves.

I thought I got a message and couldn't handle it for some reason, the reverberations and the fact I was looking for it.

I'm worried because when I think these things my grandma gets mad.  Maybe, it's not her fault, but I dunno, seems like it.  I'll just go with that she does that, but usually it shouldn't be like that.  I can't believe my mom thinks I have to listen to everyone about everything, like psychopathically, because I'm always good, actually.

So, obviously, it's not just my grandma's fault.  My dad just has a weak bladder, so-to-speak, and she gets infued on me so I'll go crazy.  :p  I think she's always mad at him but close, still.  :|

I just "forgot how to dance."  My singing got worse from not working out as much, too, and I'm looking worse.

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