Saturday, October 6, 2012

Helena Bonham Carter

... She really gets a temper, sometimes.  Don't people who have schizophrenia do that?  I understand that Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka is like that.  Hm...  I was thinking, my mom is Chinese-Indonesian...  My dad has Native American and Jewish.  Helena Bonham Carter doesn't.  No one should react to her.  I've often thought people with moms who aren't all white are just spoiled rotten!

I'm unsure, too, because, like, Helena Bonham Carter waited so late to have kids withs such an old man...  I don't really like her kids?  I do, I mean, but it's like they're "not allowed to play with me."  That doesn't make them look good.

I'm not sure what's wrong with their kids.  I guess being Jewish, as well as Spanish, takes its toll on them??

I wonder if its because their parents are so young.  I'm not sure if my life could be like theirs, not in this lifetime nor ever, I think.  I guess they make a big deal over little things.  I don't get stimulated that easily.

I'm not sure why I got stimulated when I was younger.  I thought it was from doing gymnastics, but I only went once a week.  I think I tried harder than anyone else and did it at home but not like a lot all the time.  I had already thought I should quit, but my brother was born and my mom asked if I wanted to stay and I said yes.  She later said she wants each kid in one activity, but my brother didn't do sports until he was 6 1|2.

I did art, as well, but I wouldn't say it's what stimulated me, at the time.  It felt kinda pleasurable, not really wrong, but it kinda stayed with me.  I can't feel it, anymore, though.

I used to be more stimulated seeing people pick up kids, but I don't really do that like that.  I understand it but don't like think about it concretely all the time.

I feel "good," now, almost died from eating but took a heart pill.  I usually take a bunch of pills daily.  I haven't worked out in awhile, neither.

I don't understand how you could get uppity for someone else in the world enjoying themselves.  I mean, you can't literally go ahead and attack that person.  I understand you can do things in other ways, but most people don't.

Go bother someone else!  It would do them good.  They can't be hurt the way I can.  :S  I used to be like them, in an earlier day.

I did get a lot from people I talked to, but it's always been a trade-off.  It sorta is like pieced together shit.  Well, concretely, I'd say I really was shit, but my thoughts aren't shit.  So, other people do think shit, I know.  I probably did at one point, too, but got tired of it.  :(

My grandma is rough with me nowadays.  It's other people who also want her to "be" unpleasing and are like rubbing in the older people in my family in ways that don't suit each one individually.  It turns out I'm not so cool.  I think okay, but I'm like shit.  Well, not really, but part of me is, I think.  :S

I'm still mad that the world is like about Tim Burton in his unsucceessful relationship with Helena Bonham Carter.  He seems to think he's over and above me.  I feel so winded by him and Johnny Depp it isn't funny.

Also, I can enjoy myself and you can't like associate every good thing with something that went wrong.  It might seem obvious, but it was obviously set up and I deserve what I have, which isn't much.

I find people are mean to me because of my race.  It's always been that way, though.  :|

Don't tell me like I had it easier because sorry I didn't sorry to burst your bubble, but I assume you have problems, as well.

Me technically being Native American seems to get in the way.  However, it's also a benefit, just something to deal with that you have to be careful about.

I'm not sure what I'd be like if I wasn't Native American.  Native Americans are strong and in tune with nature, but I'm not from Alaska.  I have relatives from the northern Scottish islands but maybe not a huge hunk, unsure though, might be from a long time ago but dunno.

I really don't get why the world centers on Italians and also around Jews against Chinese and Native Americans.  Or Chinese, at least.  Hm.  Anything that's against Chinese who are competition.  That's Tim Burton and his daughter Nell, but Billy is good.  I like Nell, though.  Hm.  Her dad is older than my mom.  Maybe that's why.  She's cute, too...

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