Saturday, October 6, 2012

Tweet @DonnaDunning

Supposedly, from watching "The Ellen DeGeneres Show," I've realized people think the world is SPs, SJs, and Intuitives.  I ended up deciding it was all ESFPs.  There are lots of ESTJs, and don't talk about ESFJs, please!  I'm not sure what type I am, but I think my mistake was that people were sure I was a Thinking type.  At first, I was Introverted, maybe like a 9 or a 10.  I think I just said I did pick up the phone when it rang.  However, so many times in a row over the years w|o ceasing I've been exactly half and half.  I'm big on that you change throughout life, and I will stand firm by that belief.  I guess the funny thing was maybe I was a Perceiver.  As for Sensing and Intuiting, I'm not sure.  Let's just say I'm an EXTP.  However, I'm defintely a Feeler, now, or am becoming one.  So, then, I'd be an EXSP.  Wait, EXFP.  It seems, as a feeler, I'd be a Sensor, though I'm not really sure why.  I just don't want to be an INFX.  I don't know how Introverted I can really be.  I like to express myself.  That's probably why the types aren't balanced.

Let's see what really divides the population, and in order but more than one thing...  So, some people like to hold in their true feelings, some people like to lie, some people don't like to admit they feel, and some people don't plan on anything.  So, that would separate the good guys from the bad ones.  I've connected this to the Enneagram, as have the books I read, which isn't many.  I also know there are people who don't feel what they want to feel.  I used to be like that.  I would feel differently than I thought.  Not until I grew up and moved to Orlando did that eventually change.  Well, I also went up north for college, and I suppose that's when the process began.  I still might have been a Feeler had I not moved to the New Orleans area.  Hm.  A car just roared|zoomed by.  ':0  Yes, and everyone is affected by their environment in different ways because of race, but it changes, like persoality types do.  That just means we should all be ESFJs, but I'm not busy planning anything.  8)  When I think, I feel I'm interacting.  I don't plan experiences and then not feel what I think...

It's hard to say we all have different personalities.  Is intuiting really thinking and judging?  Are we all either ES ... INTJs, ENTJs, and ... ESFJs, ESTJs?  I'm wondering what my cousin is.  She was supposedly an ESFP, but I don't think so.  She's too wild to feel and think.  She's not very extraverted anymore nor ever communicated much, was just loud.  I know I seem blunt, but so is everyone else.  :p  She's affected my life is why I bring this up here.  She's not here, and no one talks to me.  So, she must be an INTJ.  I wonder what her mom is.  Maybe an ENTP.  I have another aunt.  She's probably an ENFJ.  My grandma is probably an INTP, like my dad.  My mom may be an ... ENFP.

It's funny, I used to live thinking I was an INFP.  I don't know why I wasn't an INFJ.  I just wasn't.  I didn't have time to practice piano.  You'd think being an NF would mean being the most artistic.  I guess INFPs and ESFPs are artistic.

So, I'm guessing it'd be good to find out how many people are what.  I'm guessing most people are really Feelers, unless they are Judgers or professers.  Most people have chosen they are realistic people, Sensors.  Then, I guess being a Judger and a Perceiver comes in, and Perceivers are like Intuiters.  It doesn't have to be that way.  Maybe, they are "like Feelers."

I still want to make new categories!

How about being Open or Closed.  Then being Dreamy or Concrete.  Then being Finesse or Clunky.  Then being Decisive or Indecisive.

Why make a test?

I think I am an ODFD.  Most people are CCCIs.

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