Thursday, October 4, 2012

Good Life Commercial from the Internet

It's a Disney commercial that stopped, well ad, where you see like kids with white hair twirling and bouncing in succession.  It just seems to all flow as the ideal, though they are off.  They were all kinda like me, rounded out but like not in any one extreme.  However, they had like sorta that look of having red hair, with the white eyebrows.  I guess their faces were kinda sloppy, but that could be in style.  They were definitely in step.  :|  Talk about a life of no work.  The only work is being corrected friendily for being wrong, which seems to blow harder when you're not made to think and stuff and like usually be harsh on yourself, I mean.  I think all people feel, but some people have like all very dark hair.  I was never like that.  I was born with hair that looked wood-colored up close but black far away, like my parents had black hair since they were little.  I am not sure about my brother, but there was a time when it was like light brown but not like tan.

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